

  • Since 1987, Our Kids has evaluated more than 30,000 children.
  • 65% of the 800+ children evaluated by Our Kids annually are 7 or younger.


  • Our Kids is one of the largest clinics of its kind in the country.
  • 8 team members provide free 24/7 coverage to 47 Middle Tennessee counties. On-call coverage has been provided by Our Kids since 1991.


  • Our Kids operates 4 satellite clinics in Middle Tennessee for families in outlying communities.
  • The first was opened in Cookeville in 2007, with Lawrenceburg and Clarksville following in 2008. The fourth opened in Manchester in 2011.


Our Kids has trained thousands of medical providers and professionals including:

Collaborations and contracts


  • Our Kids experts have testified in hundreds of court cases and have been subpoenaed thousands of times. (Sometimes when experts are subpoenaed, defendants will plead.)


  • Our Kids launched dedicated Spanish-speaking resources in 2010 and has seen over 250 Spanish-speaking families (Spanish resources can be found here.).
  • Contracted with the International Association of Forensic Nurses for expert medical review for Indian Health Services and Tribal Healthcare Facilities.


Published research

Genital Findings in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: Genital vs Vaginal Penetration [link]
This study examined the prevalence of abnormal genital findings in female children presenting with concerns of sexual abuse and explored how children use language when describing genital contact and anatomy. This research was published by “The Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology” using data from 1,500 female patients. It is the largest study of its kind in more than a decade and has been distributed by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology as required reading.

Children’s Knowledge of Genital Anatomy and Its Relationship With Children’s Use of the Word “Inside” During Questioning About Possible Sexual Abuse [link]
This study examined the relationship between children’s understanding of their genital anatomy and use of the word “inside” during forensic medical examinations. It found that children’s age and development contributes to their understanding of genital anatomy, and that influences how they answer questions regarding genital touch. This finding plays a role in sexual abuse cases in states where the definition of rape includes penetration. The National Children’s Alliance highlighted this research for its over 850 chapters.